Concrete Heating Plates


SТ ТОО 041040004567-004-2011
Model Input Power, kW Heating Time Heating tº of the plate surface Electric Shock Protection Class Weight, kg. Dimensions, mm Minimum Heating Area
ПБН 1,0 1 hour 90С III 48 1000*

Concrete heating plates are designed for additional building heating. They consist of the frame, concrete plate with a steel spiral heater that is placed around air channels. Plates are certified in the State Standard System of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate № KZ.1910317.01.01.03091 issued on December 10, 2011. A heater has nominal AC single phase voltage 220 V, 50 Hz. Based on use conditions, a heater is rated as a device with unattended operation. Guaranteed service life not less than one year starting from the purchase date. Specified service life is 3 years. Plates are ideally used to heat electric substations due to their efficiency, reliability, low cost and smaller dimensions instead of existing PET heaters.