ASPMK-519 LLC has been granted the following licenses:
To perform designing activity (1st category);
To perform surveying activity;
To perform construction and installation work (1st category);
Certificate that gives permission to perform work which may affect project safety of major construction (Russian Federation);
To perform design work for internal and external power supply up to 0.4-10kW. This includes development and completion of projects related to electro technical equipment (affiliated branch of ASPMK-519 in Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan);
To perform installation and assembly of electric equipment up to 0.4-10kW. It includes completion of projects related to electro technical equipment (affiliated branch of ASPMK-519 in Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan);
To perform testing and setting of the electro technical equipment up to 0.4-10kW. It includes testing of transformers, electric distribution and control equipment (for affiliated branch of ASPMK-519 in Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan);
To perform excavation, building, exploring, boring work for construction chains and other construction projects (affiliated branch of ASPMK-519 in Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan);
To perform construction activity (affiliated branch of ASPMK-519 in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan);
To perform architectural, town planning and building work and services (affiliated branch of ASPMK-519 in Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan);
Purchasing electric power for supply purposes.
ASPMK-519 LLC was granted the following certificates:
"Quality Management System" Compliance Certificate related to architectural, town planning and building work, activity and services;
"Occupational Health and Safety Management System" Compliance Certificate related to architectural, town planning and building work, activity and services;
"Environmental Management System" Compliance Certificate related to architectural, town planning and building work, activity and services;
Permission for metal support structures to be used in the facilities owned by the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System of Russian Federation;
Permission for switchgear and control gear of KAZNEX Series to be used in the facilities owned by the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System of Russian Federation;